root/Mythlore Adventure Pictures - 120 file(s)
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Steve got fed up of hitting the car? Who's who?
Who's who? rating : 2.1
Brecons 36hr.
Brecons 36hr. rating : 2.8
Monsters encounter a bunch of heavy metal fans. Brecons 36hr.
Brecons 36hr. rating : 2.2
Someone in a cave - looks like an SFB/Heroquest costume? MV's - is that a young Mr Oliver I see there? Thulgrim and entourage - Brecons 36hr.
Gavin, Kev and Biff...who looks disturbingly like Stephen King in this shot! In civies
In civies rating : 2.7
Me, 48 hours out of hospital after an operation - about to pull every stich I have chasing Toby after he tries to 'befriend' a berserker.