Mythlore booking

The full price of the event shall be £150

A deposit of £50 will secure your place.  We will then accept a further payment of £50 and then a final Payment.

If for any reason you have to cancel your place we will refund a portion of your fee (This can be negotiated depending on time and circumstances and if we can get someone else to take your place)

We are a completely non profit making enterprise and need your money to buy props, materials and toys, many of these have to be built specially so we require payment in plenty of time to acquire materials.

Many thanks for your interest so far, the rules and background should be on the website over the next few days to get you very excited!

You may pay by cheque payable to 'Burnt is Clean', please email for details

Or you may set up a google payment account and pay online.  It costs you nothing and is not too evil.

First Event Booking 17-19 July 2009

Deposit £50 - to be sent as soon as possible

Second payment £50 by end March 2009

Final Payment £50 by end May 2009

Payment in Full £150 - Very much appreciated, thank you

Second Event booking 18-20 September 2009

Deposit £50 - to be sent as soon as possible

Second payment £50 by end April 2009

Final Payment £50 by end June 2009

Payment in Full £150 - Very much appreciated, thank you