
You may go to the forum through this page.

The forum rules are as follows...

1) You don't tell anyone about the forum

2) You do NOT tell anyone about the forum

3) Oh no that's something else isn't it, how about no cussin' gougin' and hittin' below the belt

4) Oh you know, just don't get personal and be nice to us

Please tick this box if you agree to the terms*

If you are having problems reading the forum, right click on the button and select open in new window

You must join in order to view or post topics.  Sorry about this but the board got hijacked!

Take me to the forum


* If you do not agree to the terms then you will face an Investigations panel of barking dogs with mechanical claws.  You can appeal to an independent arbitrator against the findings of the Investigations Panel within 30 days of your hearing, but the arbitrators decision is final and can NOT guarantee that they will be able to locate the whereabouts of your face following your initial hearing.



